We are a small group of students and teachers who believe in nations living together peacefully and in a sustainable way. In order to support our goal we have started a project with people from Africa. We want to work together in the fields of ecological gardening, waste management and education.
Here is our presentation about Nigeria and Ghana.
This is our school: the Graf-Eberhard-Gymnasium in Bad Urach
How our pupils come to school
Most of our pupils don’t live in the town of Bad Urach. They come from the villages around. They take the bus:
A certain number of pupils come by bike, even in winter.
And those who live near the school can walk.
The teachers and some of the older pupils arrive with their own cars (or that of their parents).
Main subjects
From on class: 5
German: The development of the ability to understand German-language literature and world literature translated into German, as well as the ability to independently write coherent and argumentatively coherent texts.
English: Teachers helping students learn english and teaching them to use it effectively. By the end, students should be able to start and maintain a conservation, understand texts and conversations and these are just a few examples! They also learn about cultural and historical aspects of the English.
Mathematics: A science which consists of analyzing geometrical figures and calculating with numbers.Tough there is no exact definition, math usually is described as a science which uses logic to examine the properties and patters of abstract structure created by logical definitions. We then apply that during our lessons.
From on class: 6
Frech: It is the task of French lessons to develop the pupils abilty and willingness to communicate in French. They should be enabled to communicate with French people and with French is the mother language.
Latin: As the basic language of Europe, Latin is part of a culture of memory that nut only couvers a closed period of ancient civilisation and Roman supremacy, but also makes visible the emergence of our intellectual European traditions.In our lessons, we therefure also take a look at our own cultural development over more than 2000 years.
From on class: 8
NWT:The aim of this subject is to prepare the students in a practical way for later studies and the world of work and to promote scientific and technical thinking and acting.
IMP: Students learn the basics of information technology and electronic data processing and how to use computers properly.
Spanish: Learn more about the culture and society of Spain and Latin American countries where Spanish is spoken
Minor subjects
From on class: 5
Biology: Learning about something unique to our planet: life. In grade 5-7 you learn about animals and plants. In grade 8 and 9 you learn about the human body, ecology and inheritance.In grande 10 and above you learn about life processes on a cellular and biochemical level. You‘‘ll learn genetics, evolution, immunology and neurobiology.
Ethics: Students of different beliefs, cultures and ethnicities learn to articulate their own opinions, but also to listen tot hat of others and to tolerate it. They discuss topics of today’s society, especially those, which cause heated moral and ethical debates.
Geography: We encounter geographical issues every day in a wide variety of everyday situations. Dealing with geographical topics enables us to better understand the formation of the earth, changes on the earth’s surface and climatic processes.In geography, among other things, economic problems and questions are considered. Studying geography promotes an understanding of other cultures so that we can live together peacefully.By linking knowledge from different disciplines and applying it to specific questions, we learn how we can protect our planet and live sustainably.
Religion:We are particulary concerned with making people familiar with the Christian religion as the basis of our culture, in ordert o enable them to engage in dialougue with other religions and word views. We want to provide orientation in an increasingly pluralistic world and society that is growing together into a global village. We promote openness to religious questions and create an awareness that religion is not subsumed in ethics.
Natural phenomena: The subject of natural phenomena builds on the subject of people, nature and culture in elementary school. The students increasingly gain insights into scientific and technical ways of thinking and working.
History:History as a subject enables us to deal with the political, economic, legal, social and cultral conditions that determined peoples lives in the past. In this way, we can realise that man and the world around him can only be explained and understood through history. Throught the methods and competences taught in history lessons, we can grasp and evaluate the past and this gain decision making aids fort he present and the future.
Music:In Music lessons wetry to create a direct access to understandinf and comprchendingmusic, learning music theory, the ability to analyse music in detail and finally to form a reflected judgement.
Visual arts: Painting, graphics, plastic and sculpture, photography and film, architecture, design and art history
Sports: Above all, the movement is decisive: This is very important in everyday teaching: as a balance to the sitting school, to train the sporting abilities at any learning age and with a view to lifelong, healthy sporting activities
From on class: 7
Physics: Physics tries to put the relationships of this world from the smallest( particle physics) tot he largest scales(astrophysics) into laws and thus make them understandable. It proceeds like all natural sciences: with the help of experiments, facts are measured, hypothes(conjectures) are derived from them and theese are checked again in new new experiments.We also reflect this approach in the classroom: whenever possibe, the students should recognize regularities through experiments they have carried out themselves, because nothing is better remembered than their own experiences.
From on class: 8
WBS:Economics/ career and study orientation.The subject is intended to provide pupils with basic knowledge in economic education and thus enable them to understand economic contexts as responsible citizens and to act responsibily.
Community studies:In it, the society, the political system as well as the economic and legal order of the Federal Republic are to be illuminated and conveyed under social and political as well as economic and legal education.
Chemie:Chemistry is a natural science that deals with the structure and properties of substances and their changes (chemical reactions). Chemistry emerged from alchemy, which had the goal of producing gold.
Besuch von König Bansah
Im Frühjahr 2023 haben wir am Graf-Eberhard-Gymnasium Besuch von König Bansah und seiner Frau erhalten.
Der Reutlinger Generalanzeiger hat am 14.02.23 darüber berichtet.
Am 17.02.23 erschien der Artikel der Südwestpresse.